Our very own Hustler De Tuti Hustlers Paul Heyman has branded her “The Next Big Thing in Modeling,” and now the rising star of the super model world has taken a huge step on her way to global domination!
There are some things in life we here at THE HEYMAN HUSTLE just hold to be self-evident. The sun will indeed come up tomorrow, or we’re all screwed. The only thing in this world that is a constant is “change.” And our very own Hustler De Tuti Hustlers Paul Heyman knows how to spot The Next Big Thing
For over a year, our HustleTweeters have been treated to #HustleBootyTempTats teasers sent to us by the phenomenally gorgeous Australian super model Ellie Gonsalves. Each and every time Ellie has appeared on the Hustle’s Twitter feed, the response to her beauty grows exponentially. Ladies and gentlemen, this is one seriously gorgeous woman! And here’s the kicker. In a world filled with MIRANDA KERR … CANDICE SWANEPOEL … ALESSANDRA AMBROSIO … KATE UPTON … XENIA DELI … and ELLE MacPHERSON … Ellie is an all-natural health and fitness guru who has amassed a huge fan base, and it is obviously growing with each passing day.
Ellie has now been featured as the cover girl for a great spread in MAXIM Australia, and we have to go on record (since Paul’s been doing it for over a year) and join our boss in proclaiming Ellie Gonsalves “The Next Big Thing in Modeling!” Congratulations to Ellie for her amazing success as the super model world takes notice of this star who is rapidly shooting to the top. Congratulations to our very own Hustler De Tuti Hustlers Paul Heyman, who can sure pick ’em. And congrats to MAXIM Australia for demonstrating the amazing taste of featuring The Next Big Thing in Modeling on their front cover!
Of course, we’re HustleTweeting about Ellie Gonsalves, and you’re more than welcome to join the conversation by join the conversation by following us on twitter HERE or write us directly at hustleoncrave@gmail.com Hey, have you checked out the Hustle’s Ultra High Quality You Tube Channel, with exclusive videos featuring OUR WORLD EXCLUSIVE WITH MIKE TYSON … BROCK LESNAR’S “HERE COMES THE PAIN” … ICE-T AND COCO’s SEX SECRETS … TEEN SENSATION TAYLOR MOMSEN … UFC BAD BOY NICK DIAZ … THE WALKING RIOT MISSY HYATT if you’re not subscribing, you’re missing something … and by the ways cheapos, it’s FREE! Yes, absolutely 100 percent FREE! What are you waiting for? Check it out HERE!
By the way, we’re also old school social networkers, so check out our interactive skills on Facebook HERE and even on MySpace HERE. If you’re on Friendster, GFY … and have a pleasant tomorrow!