According to a newly-published article in THE NEW ISSUE OF COSMOPOLITAN, #PaulHeymanGirl Bree Olson, who got more votes than any other American model in our 1st annual #HustleBootyTempTats SUPER MODEL OF THE YEAR COMPETITION, was hired not by a babysitting service, but by a casting director for the express purpose of good television involving the family that was hiring her as a nanny, The Kardashians. Yup, those Kardashians!
Cosmo: Is it fair to say you weren’t really working as a nanny back in 2007, given your then-career in the adult movie industry? How did the babysitting gig come about?
Bree: Yes, well, I mean, it’s a reality show.
Cosmo: And a good one too.
Bree: So I got hired to go on the show. I don’t remember all the specifics; my agent dealt with everything and I just showed up. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. But if it puts anyone’s mind at ease, I grew up babysitting like most girls do. And I really did babysit Kylie and Kendall, and that is not a joke! When the cameras [stopped], it was a real deal job and I didn’t expect that. I kind of freaked out; I’m like, Are you really leaving me with them? This is for real? So I just started talking with them. I was so nervous because they were so tiny at the time. They were at that awkward stage where they’re girls trying to be grownup and I’m thinking, I don’t even know what to say.
Cosmo: Were you conscious of the “character” you’d be playing, or what your role would entail?
Bree: When they were casting, they wanted a super-sexy vixen. Instead they got a cute little girl with blonde hair, like the girl next door. I just looked too wholesome, even in a bikini. I showed up with a baby blue and pink gingham two-piece. I mean … And so they had to spin it, I think, because they wanted me to be super trashy. I think that they thought because of my background that that’s just something that comes naturally, but it doesn’t to me. I was like, Regular Midwestern girls do adult [movies] too, so you guys are gonna have to make something else happen! So they ended having me do more silly-type things. [They told me], “Oh, go into Kris’s closet.” I was so scared, asking “Are you sure? Are you sure this is okay?” And they’re like, “Just go.” I remember saying very specifically, “Well if anything comes up stolen, you guys know I didn’t do anything. Keep those cameras on.” [I thought to myself], If that red light turns off, I’m running out of this closet, because the clothes and jewelry in there, who knows how expensive all that stuff is?
Cosmo: Were you told why the “trashy porn star” nanny was the plan?
Bree: As far as I knew, [the producers] wanted someone from that background to see how the family would react. That is interesting, because let’s all be honest about how Kim came to be where she is — which is great. Like, Get it, girl. I’m happy [for her]. But it’s funny to me that they would throw that into the dynamic.
Cosmo: On the show, your arrival is framed as a nanny hired by Kris from a “reputable agency.” To your knowledge, did the Kardashians know you were actually working in porn?
Bree: I honestly don’t think they knew. I think that only the producers knew — and I think that they hired a porn girl because of the scene in the pool where they have me take my top off. That happens a lot in mainstream movies or in television or whatever: They’ll automatically go to porn girls because they know that they’re okay with getting naked. It’s more difficult to find an actress and be like, “Hey, can you show up” — I don’t even know how much it was for the day — “can you show up for 500 bucks and it’s gonna be real chill and you take your top off for the scene, you don’t actually show anything, it’s just implied that you do, blah blah blah.” A porn girl’s gonna say “that’s fine” all day long!
Cosmo: It’s clear on the show that Bruce is uncomfortable with your presence from the get-go. Was that tension obvious, and as awkward as it looked?
Bree: You could also tell he was frustrated with things when I first got there. He didn’t want me there. [To me], he was just like, Oh, this is another ruse that we have to do for the show, I’m frustrated, I don’t want to do this. Those are his daughters and he didn’t know how I was going to be as a person. But then the more I talked with him, the more he loosened up. He never for a second let down his parental guard when it came between him and the girls.
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