#HustleBootyTempTats EXCLUSIVE Photos by Ary Dalton!
It’s been over a year since THE HEYMAN HUSTLE INTRODUCED YOU TO #HustleBootyTempTats SEX KITTEN MERCEDES EDISON, and the world has spent those twelve (plus) months taking notice. The all-natural brunette from the hometown of The Beatles has adorned her spectacular body with even more tattoos, despite the fact her ink is so heavy many feel it will hold her back from becoming labeled a “super model” in the future. Yet, never one to conform to convention, Mercedes Edison has blazed her own path to the top, and there appears to be no stopping this exquisitely beautiful 24 year old from reaching (and perhaps surpassing) her lofty goals.
“We were shooting a ton of #HustleBootyTempTats content in LA,” noted Ary Dalton, who was personally chosen by our very own Hustler De Tuti Hustlers Paul Heyman to photograph Mercedes on the rooftop of the London Suites West Hollywood for this EXCLUSIVE pictorial. “We were running at a frantic pace, but the moment Mercedes stepped into the spotlight, my camera damn near melted. Paul had warned me that her sexuality comes through the lens, and when she focused her eyes into my camera, there was an electricity I had never felt before. There is something very very special about Mercedes Edison, and I’m proud of these EXCLUSIVE #HustleBootyTempTats photographs. She’s absolutely radiant, and I wish I could find a more explosively hot word to describe just how unique a presence she is!”
Of course, we’re HustleTweeting about this UK sex kitten, and you’re more than welcome to join the conversation by following the Hustle on Twitter HERE or check out our interactive skills on Facebook HERE!