Just when you thought the world’s hottest fitness sex kitten couldn’t get any hotter …
We have to be very careful how we word the following story, because we here at THE HEYMAN HUSTLE are big fans of Jenny Poussin. The French Canadian fitness model-turned-international bikini and lingerie sex symbol has been featured in many EXCLUSIVE photo shoots on our site (you can drool over them gawk and stare lock yourself in a room for a few hours check them out HERE … HERE … and HERE), but we dare suggest (and we dare, we dare!) this new series of photos is the hottest ever featured on Jenny.
Because our favorite #HustleBootyTempTats blonde bombshell has upgraded to a 32G. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s not a misprint. THIRTY TWO – G. As in OMG. As in OMFG!
Jenny Poussin’s upgraded physique is just in time for our top secret project, which we’re not supposed to reveal to you until this weekend … but we’re telling you now simply to kiss Jenny’s ass. Yes, we know there are lots of new fun places to kiss Jenny after this upgrade, but we figured we could start with her ass. Is there really a bad place to START?
Of course, we’re HustleTweeting about Jenny Poussin, and you’re more than welcome to join the conversation by following THE HEYMAN HUSTLE on Twitter HERE or check out our interactive skills on Facebook HERE!