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The Must-See Video Everyone Will Be Talking About!

It’s the annual bikini contest that all others in Las Vegas try to replicate. But when celebrities and talent scouts alike call for premium cabanas and bungalows, it’s the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino’s #RehabBikiniInvitational that fields the A-list requests. This year. the only thing different was the sheer number of VIPs looking to get it.

“It was the wildest, hottest, coolest mad house I’ve been a part of,” noted Ary Dalton, the Hustle’s own documentarian, who shot the footage for this EXCLUSIVE video, which was edited by the multi-talented AJ Abbas.

“Everyone wanted IN on this party,” Ary continued, “and you could tell even the #HustleBootyTempTats supermodels were itching to get in on all the fun! When THAT happens, you know the event is GOLD!”

Indeed, #HustleBootyTempTats supermodels Isabelle Allan, Christy Ann Fitness, Emily Addison, Playboy PMOY Kennedy Summers and Hannah Townsend were all on hand, walking the red carpet and having the time of their lives at the 1st round of the summer’s most sizzling bikini contest.

And yes, that is our boss Paul Heyman, not only on the red carpet with Isabelle Allan, but also sitting right next to Looking4Larry co-founder and partner Mitchell K. Stuart, enjoying the Saturday festivities in the 108 degree heat … wearing a suit and tie!

Always the Advocate, our boss says “I can’t compete for attention with the #RehabBikiniInvitational finalists nor the #HustleBootyTempTats supermodels, but at least people will say I clean up well!”

Round two of the #RehabBikiniInvitational takes place the afternoon of UFC 200 at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino Las Vegas. Tell ’em you want to do the #HardRockHustle.

EXCLUSIVE Photos From the #RehabBikiniInvitational are available for you right now on the Hustle Twitter HERE! And even more will be posted on the Hustle Facebook page HERE!



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