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Supermodel Kiki Morris is a Paul Heyman Girl


When we first introduced you to Australian Supermodel Kirralee “Kiki” Morris, she was best known as a top line Babe Method beauty whose fan base was rapidly expanding worldwide due to her sensational photo sessions and television appearances on Fuel TV. It’s safe to say that 2015 was Kiki’s breakout year, as HER DEBUT STORY ON THE HEYMAN HUSTLE was one of our top ten most visited stories of the year, and one of the top five stories posted on social media. In other words, quite simply, Kiki was an instant hit with our audience, and the word spread globally from there!

Kiki shot these #PaulHeymanGirl photos in West Hollywood Hills with #HustleBootyTempTats photographer Ary Dalton, and as always, there’s a great story that goes along with the pics. “You have to understand how many movie productions and model shoots are done in this particular area of West Hollywood,” Ary noted. “We were in the Hills right above Sunset, where every day, on those twisty, windy roads, there’s camera crews and photographers galore.”

“So…” Ary continued, “I have to admit, I was really shocked at how many people started pulling over a little bit up the hill to watch the shoot with Kiki. She just has this charisma about her  … I hate to say it, because it’s such a cliché … but she literally stops traffic!”